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what does ritalin feel like

Effects of Ritalin on the Body
Effects of Ritalin on the Body
User reviews for Ritalin to treat ADHD Ritalin has an average score of 7.2 out of 10 out of a total of 116 ratings for ADHD treatment. 59% of the users who reviewed Ritalin reported a positive effect, while 13% reported a negative effect. Ritalin Rating Summary7.2116 user reviews. Compare all 53 medicines used in the . 10 22% 9 22% 8 16% 7 12% 6 4% 5 6% 4 5% 3 3% 2 2% 1 9% Comments for Ritalin "I changed from Modafinil to Ritalin this year. Every time I take this medicine in the morning, I stay awake. But with many side effects. Quick heartbeat, morning nausea, dizziness, exhaustion, night sleep problems, anxiety, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, often migraines or headaches. I'm trying to avoid medicine, if I can. I like more fashion. " 6 "I'm a 20-year-old woman £45 and I've been diagnosed with ADD since I was 8. He had tried numerous medications to try to help over the past 12 years, but it always seemed that side effects exceeded the good he was doing. I wouldn't eat and feel depressed/zombie like other medications. I take Ritalin 10 mg twice a day. It usually lasts about 3-4 hours. I have to stop and tell myself to eat something sometimes and my heart rate gets faster, but apart from those are my only side effects. I feel great at the end of the day and I'm very productive during those hours. Ritalin is the first one who works for me and side effects don't exceed the good she's doing for me. " 9 "It slightly improves my work memory, I noticed that I am not forgetting things so much, it can pay attention when people are explaining things to me too. I was initially making myself jittery, but that's gone now. Unfortunately it makes me extremely nauseous so I'd like to change medications. " 4 FAQs "I am 24 and a male who diagnosed ADHD about 6 months ago. For a long time I remember that I was restless, inatentive, depressed and forgotten, but I didn't know that I was wrong with me. I thought everyone has a unique behavior and mind and so this "usual type" is mine and I should control it for myself! Since childhood I was the child who studied hard but gained little, that is forgetful, that is weak in mathematics! Who's lazy. Anyway, now I'm a medical student and I found that I have ADD after a long story. I told this to my assistant doctor and he confirmed that I have ADD, then prescribed ritaline 10 mg per day and increased that to dose 10mg ×3 a day. The best word I can tell you about Ritalin for ADD patients is "Miracle". Now for the first time in my life I understand the meaning of being calm, being happy, focused, being organized and many other good 'being's. It was a big change in my life and I'm happy about that. The side effects for me were very mild and they went with time and I want to continue. " 9 "35 adult male years, without diagnosing ADD all my life, depression and anxiety as well. This drug has turned me around. 20 mg in the morning, 10 mg in the afternoon. When I'm on it, I don't feel tall, I just live. I am awake, alert, focused and most important outside of my shell. Don't fear work, I welcome you, I'm hungry for chores. I'm almost immediately going from unsafe to untroverted. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to work now without her. I refuse to abuse him so I'm very strict with my 30 mg a day. When it's worn out, I completely reversed my old me. " 8 "I have always known that I fought with ADD or ADHD since childhood. I never bothered to be formally diagnosed, but if they didn't treat it, it results in severe anxiety and depression. Because of this I lost my job and realized that I was affecting the quality of life. I was evaluated and diagnosed at the age of 43 with adult ADHD - severe. I was afraid to take Ritalin for the bad reputation he has but the difference was immediate. I feel quiet, in the piece, no more anxiety, you can focus on me. It's changing life. Minimum side effects. I think this medicine is unnecessary demoniac. I have my life back. " 10 I'm a 33-year-old man. After years of cycling through almost all the antidepressants on the market, including SSRI, SNRIs and tricyclists, I was beginning to be desperate and hopeless and ready to give up my life. I was touched to find a diligent psychiatrist who concluded that my suffering was caused by untreated ADHD. I've been prescribed with Ritalin. This medicine saved my career, my relationship and my life in general. My mind is clear, my anxiety and depression were solved. I no longer have hopes in my future, and I finally managed to feel joy in living. Compared to my experience with antidepressants, I feel very natural and "self." I can experience a full range of emotions again. Side effects are minimal, especially compared to antidepressants. Looking retrospectively at my life and getting a little more educated about ADHD, I have understood that all my past struggles had a perfect sense - I was diagnosed badly and treated with incorrect drugs for a long time. " 10 more questions "39 years. Battle with ADHD without knowing all my life. Alcohol was resorted to before being diagnosed as this would help me deal with constantly being wired for sound! Unfortunately this also caused my liver enzymes to get out of a dock. Drinking stop, this led to depression leading to psychological treatment and ADHD was diagnosed. I've been so gutted that I've been late for diagnosis and treatment. Ritalin has changed my life. I'm focused and organized for the first time. " 10 "My child has been taking Ritalin for about 6-8 months and the difference in it is amazing, schoolwork has improved, spelling and understanding has improved much better and has overcome in mathematics and can really remember what he has learned. Socially it gets better with other children and is less destructive when you are in a group. It was very hesitant to put my son in medicine but now I realize that I made the best choice for him. " 10 "30, woman, ADD, 95 pounds. Just to share what I've experienced to start at Ritalin (5mg) today for the first time. I didn't feel anything in the first pill (at 1:10pm) and took the second one about 7 hours later (approximately at 7:50pm). The second kicked about 2 hours later. I was alert and I could stay patient in a task before I jumped to the next. I also felt talkative so I responded a couple of emails efficiently (it usually takes me a while to write an email) and I got into social media to greet friends (not chatting on social media much that I am never good at keeping in touch with people.) It was until 4 in the morning and I felt my body needed rest but my brain was still alert. I went to sleep, but then I woke up with a rapid heart rate only 1 hour and 10 minutes later. At this point, I finally feel like he's running out like I'm writing. I know because it has taken me 20 minutes so far to write this comment - I am reversing the poor and anxious attention myself. " 7 "22, Man, ADD, Disorder anxiety Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is amazing. However, there is a catch: - improves the approach but does not direct its approach to a topic that is not interested in - Extreme euphoria/confidence/optimism experience for about 1 hour (construct gradually, reaching a 2-hour mark with 10 mg - if you use this daily, tolerance accumulates quickly after every 2 weeks (for me) - when I stop taking it I feel depressed for days but it will wear out as "natural chemicals" reach the balance again I suggest cycling according to their productive days: - 3/4 days a week and the rest (avoiding tolerance and dependence) - improve your CURRENT approach, so start working/study for 15/30 min I then take it (I have researched the most irrelevant topics that excite me for hours, just to find that within 30 minutes the effects of Ritalin will disappear)" 7 "I am in the middle of the 30's" was diagnosed with ADHD about 4 months ago. I started at 10 mg 2x a day & I am currently at 20 mg 3 x a day. I tried Daytrana, Ritalin's patch, but it made me aggressive and hungry! In less than a month I had won 20 pounds. I'm back on the pill & so far I love it! I wish I had this at school! Unfortunately my mother was not a believer in ADHD. I am calmer, I can think rationally vs going directly from emotions, racing thoughts have ceased & I can complete tasks that I begin now. He's also given me more motivation in my life. Before Ritalin I was ready to give up life " he did nothing. Now I can handle the responsibilities! My mood has still improved " my patience with the people of my children in general has improved greatly. " 9 "I am a 47-year-old woman and I was diagnosed with ADD and some other diseases after my only child was killed. I'm in 20mg 3 times a day, I found that Ritalin works the best for me to keep my mind focused and keep my head together and not everywhere. It's not a 100% cure, but I can differentiate the good. The only bad experience I had was when I ran out and I didn't have them for 3 days and it caused me to go through the retreat. It wasn't a pleasant experience so I make sure to fill them in time and take them as I'm supposed to. " 8 "This medicine is amazing. I've had ADD for about 20 years, while I've been alive and the university has exacerbated the condition, so my neurologist prescribed me to Ritalin. This starts to disappear after approximately 2.5-3.0 hours, but it works absolute MIRACLES. All the time before, when I tried to work, it was like I was seeing the world through glass of fire and my mind was as bad as if it were full of ice and cotton, but now everyone is beautiful, wonderfully clear! This is really an amazing medication, but be sure to follow your doctor's orders with it, as it may have side effects. " 10 First, it was horrible to me. I'll never go back to Ritalin. She was 10 mg from Ritalin and lasted about 2 hours. It was the weirdest experience. I felt simultaneously euphoric, jittery and stimulated, but also lazy and only wanted to sleep (??????). He gave me a strong energy boost that lasted all day. After 2 hours it was when things got really bad. I guess this is the jail. It made me terribly depressed, anxious and full of anger. Anxiety was so bad that every thing that I put my eyes on would trigger me, like looking at the basket of clothes full of clothes. I also felt extremely antisocial and didn't want to talk to anyone, even my husband. Finally by the end of the night I would return to my normal being again, but you can imagine the emotional furnace I experienced all day. I tried to brush it and toss it to stress. But looking back now, I'm 100% sure it was all because of Ritalin. " 1 "I am a mid-fifty man who recently started taking Ritalin. I've been in this for 3 months and I like changes. The ability to remain in the task is incredible. I take immediate release 2x per day (10mg/pill). It takes about 30 minutes for the effects to stop, but it's subtle. Each dose lasts about 4 hours. I take the first pill around 800 am and the second one at 1pm. I take it from Monday to Friday, and sometimes on weekends, if I have a project I would like to finish it. At this time, I have not experienced any notable side effects. Yes, kill your appetite during the 4-hour cycle, but come back quickly afterwards. For anyone looking for the best vitamin/suplement to improve productivity due to ADHD, go to your doctor and take something that is tested effectively and regulated by the FDA. " 10 "I have ADHD and today was my first day in Ritalin and it sucked! The effects lasted an hour and when it worked I felt like a zombie and I didn't want to move. It also made me tired and sensitive to sound. And, it didn't even make me feel so concentrated in reality, what's the point? 2 I'm a 56-year-old man. Recently diagnosed ADHD as I am easily distracted " cannot be easily concentrated. I am in good health, and success " is not depressed. Unfortunately Ritalin has no effect on me. I don't have the feeling that I can think of it or wear it. All I get is a dry mouth at higher doses. I started the quick release 10mg @ 8am & 10mg @ 1pm. Up to 20 mg am & 20 mg pm. Then 30 and 30. Nothing. It doesn't affect or change how I feel. Then tried slow release SR 40 mg am & 40 mg arvo. Still nothing. Then he tried 20 mg of Quick with 40 mg of SR in the morning. But he was distracted by the phone " wrongly took the same dose 15 min later. So 120 mg in a hit. I was hoping to have heart racing, something like 'buzz', but NO Very disappointing. I would like to try Adderall or similar" 1 "(18 M) I was recently diagnosed with ADD and given ritaline. 5 mg per day as initial doses. I've agitated with other drugs in the past, such as cannabis, LSD, fungi and morphine. I took ritalin two days before I decided to quit. I've never felt this level of addiction in my entire life, nor have I hit this bad on any drugs. I have suffered with severe depression, sexually transmitted disorders and anxiety for a few years. The accident gave me a bounce to my past psychosis. " 1 "I'm 54 years old and I started taking 10 mg once a day, 5 times a week (usually weekdays). After years of talking about projects and ideas, it is now quite easy to get and stay in the task. It's not like I haven't done things before, but now I'm motivated to complete the tasks. In the past, most of the projects that required a substantial amount of time to complete would be placed immediately in the rear burner. Now I feel motivated to see them pass. In the past I would self-medicate with large amounts of coffee, but that only lasted so long. Now, I've changed to Decaf and I take medication once I get to the office. My dose is minimal at this point and I have a follow-up to see where I am regarding possibly changing the dose in a couple of weeks. With my dose (immediate release) I can say that the medication is kicking as I begin to feel hotter. That's about 30 minutes. As others have said, this dose lasts about 4-5 hours. So far so well. " 10 "I love Ritalin. I have a wonderful peace that I never had before. I'm 61 and I've started taking it for the last few weeks. Now I can concentrate. I'm not that unfaithful. I wanted to have this about 55 years ago and one thing I noticed, I'm dreaming where I don't remember dreaming in years. " 10 "I've been taking methylphenidate (Ritalin) for years and help but I have to take Tylenol with him or my head hurts. I'm more focused and energetic. Do not clean my ADD 100% but it works on many levels. " 8 "I am a 20-year-old woman, 179 cm and 61 kg, who have just been diagnosed with ADD for the first time in my life, after living with her untreated for so many years. So, my doctor wanted to prescribe me with Ritalin, though in a small dose, so I wasn't everything from the start. I started with 10 mg, which had no effect. Then I took 20 mg, I felt a little more energized but nothing else. Then I tried 30 mg today. I felt very fresh in my mind, instead of the strange fall in which I tend to be. Very happy, which suggests that what was missing before was dopamine. There's still no difference with anything else, like my bad concentration and concentration, but on the other side there are no side effects when it's late. Apart from the things I've already fought, like depression and anxiety. It's not a bad experience so far, but I'm still a little nervous about how 40 mg and 50 mg will affect me. " 7 "I am counting on Ritalin for the first time today and hated it. He took 5 mg at 8:30 am and then another 5mg at 12:30pm. Within an hour of drinking both times I was sleeping on my desk and I had to go on with a coffee to stay awake. I didn't feel like I got more alert or focused. The second pill I took after an hour and a half I felt hot and my heart rate increased. I realized that he suppressed my appetite for 3 hours. In the afternoon I suffered severe irritability, to the point where I shouted at colleagues, so I suffered what I think was a panic attack. He wasn't under control, he cried uncontrollably. I forced myself to work so I could get Ritalin out of my system. Horrible :() 1 "This drug has been nothing but a miracle for me. After years of suffering with concentration/attention problems and a series of failures this medicine has allowed me to achieve what I want and to stand out in my academics and my life. Volume 20 - 30 mg/day 3 - 5 days a week with regular drug holidays. If you have ADHD and are suffering because of it with a history of failures in your life you will not regret receiving treatment. " 9 "I am a 25-year-old man who works in the Health Field. I've had ADHD all my life and started taking this medicine to help get my life in order and help get all my thoughts together. This pill is amazing for the organization and to do tasks that need to be completed. I don't have complaints about how effective my ADHD was to treat and increase my focus. The reason I scored this medication in the lower spectrum is because when I was taking this medication I would get serious headaches. Headaches would occur 30 minutes to take the medication. Headaches were not common headaches. He felt like he had a brain aneurysm. We highly recommend this medication to people who do not experience severe headaches while taking it. " 5 "They diagnosed me with severe ADHD – an inatentive type and Ritalin is literally the difference I took through my To Do list or I just wondered what in the world I've been doing all day. Over the years I have found several medical professionals who will not prescribe this mediation. Like an idiot I heard and tried other medications. ALL of these drugs had worse side effects and NOT DO to correct my ADHD. They tried all non-stimulant drugs and Bupropn HCL - none worked and several had very bad side effects. Medical professionals who refuse to listen to their patients should lose their license to practice. You're playing with people's lives here, people! The worst side effects I had with Ritalin were the suppression of appetite and mild anxiety specifically if I drank too much coffee with the medication. This is for a period of 15 years in the medication. " 9 "I started Ritalin 10 mg 3 times a day yesterday, as I have ADHD. I feel calmer and less anxious, but it's not a big difference. I also seem to be in a more positive mood, and being motivated to do things seems easier, but that could be the placebo effect at work. The first thing I did when the first dose came in was take a nap, so you should be calming down. I expected my tourettes or anxiety to get worse, but I haven't noticed any side effects so far. " 7NextThis information is NOT intended to support any particular medication. While these tests may be useful, they are not a substitute for the experience, knowledge and judgment of health professionals. Learn more about ADHDSymptoms and treatments Drug.com Health Center Learn more about Ritalin (metilfenidate) Professional resources Other formulas Related treatment guides Drug status Availability Only required Rx CSA Table* High potential for abuse 2 Loading... History of approval History of drugs in the FDA Loading... WADA Class Anti-Doping Classification Charge... , , , , , , , , Mobile Apps The easiest way to find information about drugs, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal drug records. Available for Android and iOS devices. SupportAboutTerms " Privacy to Drug.com newsletters for latest drug news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Drug.com provides accurate and independent information about more than 24,000 prescription drugs, free-sale medicines and natural products. This material is provided only for educational purposes and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 3 Mar 2021), Cerner MultumTM (updated 1 Mar 2021), ASHP (updated 3 Mar 2021) and others. Ad options

Server Error Please try later. Does my ADHD medicine work? Medicines can help control the symptoms of ADHD that disrupt daily life, but it may be difficult to know if it is working. When symptoms of ADHD begin to be relieved, it is often not obvious. The following are signs that the medication for hyperactivity disorder of the care deficit () is effective. A person may notice: When some symptoms improve, this is a good indication that the medication is working. To know if a medicine is effective, it is important to understand what it is designed to do. Medicines can be used to: All symptoms are unlikely to go completely, but most ADHD drugs can help make physical and mental symptoms more manageable. Medicines may be working if a person is:When the medication is working, some symptoms may stay, while others become easier to handle. Most ADHD drugs have side effects, and these may show that the medication is having an effect on the body. Side effects of ADHD drugs can affect each individual differently. If they become difficult or impossible to handle, a doctor should adjust the medication. How can I say if stimulant drugs are working? Stimulant drugs like Ritalin and can help a person be more attentive, stay focused on a task, and listen to instructions. These results may not be evident at first, and some people notice side effects before symptoms improve. Side effects for stimulant-type medications often include: These should be manageable for most people, and may disappear after a few weeks of taking the medication. How can I say if non-stimulant drugs are working? Non-stimulating drugs for ADHD can also cause side effects. These vary, based on a person's age and type of medication. Side effects may include: Sexual side effects may also occur. A person may experience a loss of interest in sex or problems having an orgasm. Although side effects show that the medication is having an effect on the body, they do not always indicate that the medication is working. Anyone who experiences side effects without noticeing a change in their symptoms may need to see a doctor, who may alter your dose or change your medication. The following are some common signs that ADHD medication should be adjusted: Signs that medication should change vary. The dose may be too high or low, or an individual may need a different type of medication. Medicines should be considered as a part of a broader ADHD treatment plan. By prescription ADHD medications, many doctors also recommend behavioral therapy. A professional can identify behavioral patterns and help a person work towards personal goals. Making lifestyle changes can also help a person feel satisfied with their treatment. SleepA full night can refresh the brain and body, helping an individual feel rested and alert all day. Exercise This can stimulate brain function and release pent-up energy. Chemical drugs are designed to increase receptors in the brain, and exercise may have a similar effect. MeditationThe thorough meditation can help calm the mind. It can be a beneficial addition to a wider ADHD treatment. ADHD may affect people differently, and the same is true for ADHD medicine. Doctors often have to have fine doses, and some people may notice side effects more than an improvement in symptoms. Anyone who feels dissatisfied with the results of your medication or experiences side effects without symptoms reduction should see a doctor to discuss other options. Last medical review on 23 May 2018Most recent newsRelated coverage

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